Queued Tasks

You can view the status of all cmdlets executed by the Background replication process which synchronizes the Live Platform database with the customer Microsoft 365 platform as a result of actions performed in the Customer portal.

To view a list of queued tasks:
1. In the Multitenant portal Navigation pane, select Monitoring > Queued Tasks.

The table below describes the details for each task.



Queue Entry Id

Indicates the Id in the database queue.

Customer Name

Name of the customer to whom the action is applied.

Cmd Type

The command type applied. One of the following values:

Sync: Synchronization as a result of customer update actions.
CleanupSbc: Sbc Cleanup script run on the customer
O365Cleanup: O365 Cleanup script run on the customer
O365Initialization: O365 Initialization for new customer
TenantRemove: Customer tenant is deleted
SbcUpdatePrefixes: Telephone Prefixes have been added or removed for customer
TenantUpgrade: Customer tenant is upgraded to Pro or Essentials + or Hosted Pro or OC Essentials + and OC Pro.
IpPbxImport: A list of IPPbx users is imported.
Upgrade License: Number of licensed users has been changed.
OcNumberCleanup: OcNumberCleanup script is run.
SBCInit: Initial connection is established with the SBC device.


One of the following values:

Queued: Task is in the waiting queue for processing.
Reserved: Task has been reserved for processing.
Executing: Task is currently being executed.
FinishSuccess: Task has been completed successfully.
FinishFailure: Task has not been completed successfully.
Queue Postponed due to customer upgrade: Task has been postponed because the customer is currently upgrading to either Hosted Essentials+ or Hosted Pro.
Draft: The customer creation is still in progress


Indicates the number of retry attempts.

When Executed

Indicates when the task was executed.

Execution Result

Indicates the execution result.

Next Execution Minutes

Indicates the next execution time in minutes.

Was Successful

Indicates whether the task was executed successfully.

When Created

Indicates when the task was created.